-Vegas Baby…

The travel up date continues from Vegas and the SIA snow industry tradeshow live from the Mandalay Bay Hotel and Casino. The Two Plank crew representing hard with Corey, Jeff and Josh holding it down with athletes Tyson, Brandon, Albers, and Van G. Rolling deeper with teammates in the biz Turning Groove pictures, the crew plans to attend VIP events at the Playboy club thanks to the 9 Group Vegas; as well as the Freeskier 10 year tour with Spyder and Skullcandy for Moon night club at Palms and the Little John show at the Empire Ball room.

On the business end, after day one, we’re proud to announce new sponsor and partnership deals with Liberty Skis and Blizzard Skis. With several more meetings to go, were going to wrap up this update and get everything squared away from our king suites. The evening hours were spent over Sushi, Sapporo, and setting up a Euro road trip with Tom Winter from Freeskier, Derek Taylor from Powder, and athletes David Lesh, Tyson Bolduc, and Alex Applegate to take place in the end of March. After several state of the union addresses for all of our A Listers, designing the ad layouts for Freeskier Magazine, and athlete poster meetings, we board planes back to Denver to drive straight to the US Open. The 3 straight months on the road rolls on…

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Getting table ready on the bus

Julian and the Discrete Crew

Our SLC host, Ryan Moore

The girls of Mark Cuban from Sunset Tan, and we’re at their table.

Check out the Vegas album the the Gallery-

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